Lazy Sunday today; hanging out with my nephew, who is at the moment fiercely battling Mr. Shakes on some PS2 game, so I trotted away to check in. A big thank you to Thom of Societas for his guest post on the Patriot Act.

I also stopped by somewaterytart’s blog, some watery thoughts, and found a quiz that tells you what book you are…

You're A Prayer for Owen Meany!

by John Irving

Despite humble and perhaps literally small beginnings, you inspire
faith in almost everyone you know. You are an agent of higher powers, and you manifest
this fact in mysterious and loud ways. A sense of destiny pervades your every waking
moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled. When you speak, IT

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

A very exciting result, as A Prayer for Owen Meany is one of my very favorite books! If you’ve never read it, I encourage you to do so immediately; I can absolutely guarantee it will make you feel good. And explain the subject line of this post.

Just a couple of good things I've noticed and want to recommend: The Heretik on the shooting in London, Pam on the administration's continued insistence on hiding Abu Ghraib images on child rape in spite of a federal order to release them, The Green Knight on Bernie Goldberg and his book-shaped object, Lance Mannion on nostalgia, Linnet on whether reading the NY Times can actually lower your IQ (yes), and Me4President on Bush lovers.

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