I'm worried.
Sure, what's not to worry about? We've certainly got our hands full these days, and heaven knows we're all suffering from information overload and outrage fatigue. It's exactly at times like this that important stories slip through the cracks, and it feels like we've grabbed the tip of the paper just before it slips through.
The Downing Street Memo(s).
Oh yeah, that.
I'm really worried about this vanishing down the memory hole. I know I don't have to preach to the choir and go on and on about how important the DSMs are, but talk of them in the MSM has all but vanished, and I've noticed that even the blogs haven't been attacking it that much recently.
Granted, there's a lot going on right now.
As serious as it is, I wouldn't want the Rove hubbub to completely bury the DSM. The prospect of actually nailing him on this one is very tantilizing... we'd finally have the satisfation of seeing a Bushie get punished for their crimes for once, and let's face it, who doesn't want to see Rove go down in flames? Even though a pardon is pretty much inevitable, someone in this group of maniacs should finally have to face the consequences of their schemes. It's very important... and juicy, and fun... but man, that paper just slipped a little bit more...
Meanwhile, London explodes, (and they're doing a fantastic job of taking care of themselves after this attack; I'm impressed) the Supreme Court activities of the past few weeks are making most of us sweat bullets, the people of Florida finally dried out their carpet only to find their homes armpit deep in water again, Bush is licking his chops like a wolf over his latest "see, I was right about them terists" justification, the slaughter in Iraq continues, the government continues its Guantanamo shell game, Halliburton pockets another five billion, and on, and on, and on....
The DSM has almost vanished completely.
But, almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. To coin a phrase.
We've still got the corner in our fingertips. Make no mistake, Bloggers and the online community are what made the DSM "a story with legs" in the first place. The MSM would have completely ignored this outrageously important news if it wasn't for us.
Let's keep the ball rolling. Don't let the DSMs slip through the cracks. Now that they have been confirmed, they are more important than ever. Blair confirming the authenticity of the DSMs was the last "real" story that I could find about them in the news (that wasn't a brief mention, letter to the editor, or giving it the "so-called DSM" brushoff). Why the hell would the confirmation of the memos be the end of the story?
Get loud. Get angry. Get furious.
(Cross-post, you're the one... you make bathtime lots of fun...)
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