Hillary Clinton needs to shut up with her useless rambling about some internet code download that lets PC players of Grand Theft Auto access explicit sex scenes.
The game is already rated M, which indicates it’s for players 17 and up. Any parent who’s buying this game for a kid too young to view sex scenes has some seriously screwed up priorities; Mr. Shakes has the game and it’s not for kids. It is extremely violent. And guess what? Any kid who’s sophisticated enough to access this code is sophisticated enough to find all kinds of internet porn, anyway, which is why parents need to monitor their kids’ computer use if they don’t want them trolling for jerkoff material.
Could it make me puke any harder to see our likely 2008 nominee pandering like Liebertwat to the culture vultures? Ugh!
Go give a speech about the Downing Street Memos and leave the sex policing to the wingnuts, wouldja?
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