Rove's conduct, whether criminal or not, is just another symptom in the widespread Culture of Corruption; Republican voters need to take a good, hard look at what has happened to their party, decide who is worth keeping and who is not, and chuck the corrupt buggers out. The current leadership of the Republican Party in Washington is drunk with power and seems to seek a one-party system in which one party dominates the politics of the entire nation and the other side gets a couple of token representatives who are unable to conduct any business on behalf of their constituencies.
It seems as though the Republican Party is entirely dominated by politicians these days, with so few statesmen and stateswomen that finding them is nearly impossible. Karl Rove, the political advisor to Chauncey, is a prime example of this. He doesn't care about government at all. His entire focus is on obtaining more and more power, and he'll destroy the government if it gets him the power. The Republican leadership in Congress is the same way. Senator Trent Lott once said he'd be happy to use the so-called "nuclear option," a phrase he coined, because it would blow up the Senate. That doesn't show a heck of a lot of concern for the people's business or the proper conduct of government. It does, however, demonstrate an absurd fondness for power.
Very true. As time goes on and the Bush Administration gets more and more dirty, I find it increasingly difficult to separate the voters from the Administration. But as Frogsdong states, it's not necessarily the Republican voters that are the problem, it's the loons in power claiming to be Republicans that are causing all the nonsense (although, let's face it, they did help put these lunatics in power). Case in point:
A new ABC News poll is out and there is no good news in there for President Chauncey. More than half of the respondents are following the investigation at least "somewhat closely" (53%). 75% say it is a "somewhat serious" or "very serious" matter. The big story in the poll for the major news organizations is this: only 25% believe that Chauncey and company are cooperating fully with the investigation, while 47% say that Chauncey and company are not cooperating fully with the investigation.
That isn't the story as far as I am concerned. The real poll story is in the question of whether Rove should be fired if he leaked classified information? For all respondents, 75% say yes and 15% say no. For Republicans, 71% say yes and 17% say no.
Excellent. I'm having serious doubts that Rove will ever be fired, what with Chimpy playing with words so he hopefully won't have to lose his puppeteer. However, all of this Rove stickiness is definitely keeping attention on the illegal acts of his Administration, and it looks like many Republicans are getting sick of eating a shit sandwich daily to protect their "elected" man-child.
Bush and his team do not hold the core beliefs that their party was based upon. Many Republicans are, I believe, going to start demanding accountability, if for no other reason than to keep the name of their party from being dragged through any more filth. There will always be idiot Republicans. But it's the ones that have control over the purse strings that really matter in this day and age, and I think they're getting pretty damned fed up.
And it would be incredibly delicious if Bush was ultimately brought down by his own party.
Update: Pam shows the veterans aren't too amused either.
(Bolds mine. I wear my cross-posts at night...)
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