Valerie Plame was the head of the CIA's leash on a giant Petro-Chemical player in the region. Perhaps the "outing" of Valerie Plame was not just punishment for Joe Wilson's revelation in the NY Times that the intelligence was being fixed around the policy.... perhaps it was that and more. It may have been Energy Muscle (who have apparently completely punked the White House) poking out the eye at the keyhole as they prepared to extend their hegemony to the Iraqi oil reserves.
(Read the whole thing for more detail.)
If the Bushies are being manipulated by forces even darker than they are, then heaven help us all.
And if you’re in the mood to peruse another out-there theory, check out this article which asserts that a coup d’etat was attempted by the CIA, and explains how the Plame outing is related. Fun (or crazy or scary, or all of the above, depending on your perspective) discussion going on about this at the Dark Wraith Forums Message Board. BYO tinfoil hat.
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