Woodward…appeared on Larry King Live Monday night…Yeah, I can only imagine the garbage that could be produced by reporters who rely on spinmasters. It would probably be worse than pablum—some might even say propaganda.
WOODWARD: … If the judge would permit it, I would go serve some of her jail time, because I think the principle is that important, and it should be underscored. It's not a casual idea that we have confidential sources. It is absolutely vital. And I'll bet there are all kinds of reporters out there, if we could divvy up this four-month jail sentence -- I suspect the judge would not permit that, but if he would, I'll be first in line. It's that important to our business.
And this book and Watergate demonstrated, the daily reporting in any newspaper or on CNN illustrates that. And what are you going to do? Are you going to interview all of the public relations people, all of the spokespeople, and that's it? No one else can talk? Imagine, you know, the varnished pablum that would come out.
Wacky Woodward on Jailbird Judy
Bob Woodward is an idiot:
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