Bolton In; Fitzgerald Out?

We’re already about as annoyed as it gets anyway, right? Might as well double the bad news.

The Chicago Tribune via Spontaneous Arising:
Former U.S. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald said Wednesday he believes there is mounting political pressure to oppose the reappointment of U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald this fall, given his aggressive prosecution of government corruption in Illinois.

The former senator questioned whether House Speaker Dennis Hastert, the state's top Republican, would support the prosecutor when President Bush decides whether to extend his term in Chicago.


"I'd be pleasantly surprised if Speaker Hastert recommended Patrick Fitzgerald for reappointment," the former senator said in a telephone interview, echoing comments he made to WGN-TV Wednesday.

"But I'm beginning to sense that a lot of people, a lot of criminals, may hope that October brings them a new U.S. attorney in Chicago, one perhaps a little bit more malleable and acceptable to influence from leading Republicans and leading Democrats."
As Michael noted—yeah, I’m sure this has a lot to do with what Patrick Fitzgerald is doing in Illinois and nothing to do with what he’s doing in Washington, like, oh, investigating who outed Valerie Plame, especially since the trail he’s on seems to keep leading him right back to the White House. (As a side note, for those who don’t know, Peter Fitzgerald, the former senator, is a Republican—and opted not to run after his first term (thereby setting up the infamous Barack Obama-Alan Keyes match-up) citing problems with the Republican leadership. He’s a pretty fair guy, and I doubt this is hyperbole.)

Is it just me, or does anyone else think there’s a conflict of interests in allowing the boss of men who are under investigation for orchestrating a leak be the deciding factor in whether the investigator’s term is extended?

Rhetorical. Sigh.

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