That's Cindy Sheehan. What an annoying nickname... "Peace Mom." Is that something the media created for her, or is that what her supporters are actually calling her? Because it sucks.
FAIRFIELD, Calif. - The husband of Cindy Sheehan, the mother camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch to protest the death of a son in the Iraq war, has filed for divorce, according to court documents.
Patrick Sheehan filed the divorce petition Friday in Solano County court, northeast of San Francisco. His lawyer did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday.
The rest of the article is just a recap; feel free to go check it out. The "important" part is blockquoted above.
I put "important" in quotes because it really isn't important. We have no idea if the couple was having problems before the protest started, and this was the straw that caused back problems for the camel, or if it had nothing to do with the protest whatsoever.
But, to the wingnuts and the MSM, this will have everything to do with the protest. We have no idea what's going on, but the spin will soon begin.
They've trashed her grief and love for her son, they'll have no problem exploiting the pain of her divorce to make her look bad.
Set faces to "smug." Set keyboards to "smear."
This is going to get ugly.
UPDATE: Some prick in a pickup ran over the group's memorial crosses. Support the troops, my ass.
(Come on, feel the cross-post, girls, rock your boys...)
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