This news story is just begging to be picked apart with snark, but I'm going to resist it for now. The situation is just too horrible. I just want to say one thing:
The president, upon his return to Washington, planned to chair a meeting of a White House task force set up to coordinate the federal efforts to assist hurricane victims across more than a dozen agencies.
Please, please let this be a legitimate success for him. If he does one thing right in his Presidency, if he's able to actually help people without making it into a vote magnet or somehow make this all about 9/11... if he's able to make lives better for these victims without finding a way to stuff money in his friends' pockets... if he's actually able to be Presidential...please, let it be this time.
I will be more than happy to give him any praise he deserves.
(Don't fuck this up cross-post)
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