I mean to say, "where's them damn burkas when you need them?"
— Kos, resorting to misogynist humor once again during a debate over “women’s stuff”
Go read Media Girl’s very long (but very worth it) post for context.
I should also note Mr. Shakes' response, which was, "Yeah, real funny with what's going on with the Iraq constitution right now." (I really can't stress enough that when something strikes the working class Scot, son-of-a-sailor, decidedly un-P.C. Mr. S as so totally fucking sexist that it pisses him off, it's really not remotely in the realm of an actual joke.)
On a side note, I’d just like to say I run this blog day in and day out without visiting any blogs that I’ve found repeatedly offensive, no matter how important they are alleged to be. There’s simply not a blog important enough to oblige my patronage if I’m compelled to hold my nose while I read it.
(The only reason I mention that is because I’ve too often read other bloggers note, as if with a sigh of resignation, how certain blogs “have to” be read. No they don’t; no blog is indispensable—yeah, including and probably especially this one, although I’m fairly certain the world might have spun off its axis if I hadn’t revealed my nerd percentage.)
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