Brother Kenya’s written a great post on the lead-up to the Iran War (no, that’s not a typo). Go read. It’s really good stuff (and leaves me wondering just how much effect the mere existence of a coalescing anti-war movement can have on a government’s ability to go to war).
Elise at After School Snack directs us where to go to get informed about the NARAL ad about John Roberts. (I was supposed to be in on a call about this last night but was otherwise engaged dealing with the fruits of my own idiocy, so I need to do some catching up, too—thanks for the round-up, Elise.)
Driftglass's got a great one, and so does Mannion, but I can't get their pages to open to give you the links. The internet at work is totally screwed up again, so I haven’t been able to get online or read anything else most of the day. (It will be a miracle if I can even post this.) So consider this an open thread to blogwhore, recommend other good stuff you’ve read today, chat, complain, celebrate, or anything else you fancy. Sorry I’ve not been as prolific as usual today.
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