You are about to be visited by the spirit of Shakespeare's Sister!
In hamburger form.
Billy Goat Tavern to Open in D.C.
CHICAGO - The Billy Goat Tavern, a local institution made famous by the "Cheezborger, Cheezborger" sketch on "Saturday Night Live," is setting up shop in the nation's capital.
And talk about learning a lesson:
Sam Sianis said there won't be any "No Republicans Allowed" signs like the one "Billy Goat" Sianis put up in 1944 when the Republican National Convention was held in town.
"We might put a sign to allow both sides," Sam said, noting that when his uncle put up the sign, the next thing he knew the place was wall to wall with Republicans.
Gah! Horrors! I love the sign, though... have I mentioned I love my city?
And I happen to know for a fact that Billy Goat Cheeseburgers are the official cheesburgers of Fuck Mountain, as decreed by the Queen.
Go and grab one when they open, and remember:
No coke, pepsi.
No fries, chips.
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