
Skeevy McShiteatinggrin Roy Blunt of Missouri has been chosen to replace Dickhead DeLay as “temporary” House Majority Leader. Today, Blunt, who has participated in past golf tournaments with DeLay to raise money for the DeLay Foundation for Kids, was quoted as saying, "It's not easy to fill the gap left by our leader, Tom DeLay, who's done a tremendous job, but all of our team is going to come together like we haven't ever come together before.” CREW recently named good ol’ boy Roy as one of the thirteen most corrupt members of Congress. Way to go, GOP. Stellar choice, as always.

[UPDATE: Waveflux has more on the fast friendship between Blunt and DeLay. Btw, am I the only one who's noticed the coincidence that "blunt and delay" also seems to be the Bush administration's primary political strategy? Blunt us with a constant barrage of insanity and incompetence and then delay any investigations or accountability. Odd that.]

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