I shit you not. (Hat tip Jill.)
So, the Red Cross isn't allowed in, citizen-organized rescue teams aren't allowed in, people are still stranded days after the fact, but "Brownie" is doing a heck of a job, according to our idiot president.
You know, once the survivors of this thing actually have access to news and find out all the massive cockups that contribted to their having been stranded in horrific conditions for days on end, I think we can add an unprecedented number of lawsuit settlements to the already staggering amounts of money this administration has cost this country.
[Note: I think there's something that bars the government from being sued, but I know there are certain awards that have been paid in response to there having been fault found with the government's actions (reparations for slavery, Tuskegee Airmen, forced sterilization, etc.), and I'm not sure if this could even possibly qualify, because I'm not sure what influences that decision. But I've emailed someone who might know.]
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