Have to admit, I don’t care all that much about old Judy, but I do find this rather intriguing:
Miller agreed to break her silence and testify after receiving what she described as a voluntary and personal waiver of confidentiality from her source, identified as Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby.Clearly, I don’t know whether any laws were violated or not (although I must say it certainly seems that way), but I don’t think I’m going out on a limb to suggest that no matter whether indictments are brought or not, there were some obvious ethical violations, which no one needs a special prosecutor to sort out.
Lawyers close to the case said Miller's testimony appeared to clear the way for prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to wrap up his 2-year-old inquiry into who in the Bush administration leaked CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity and whether any laws were violated.
Ethics problems (at best) in the White House, the GOP Senate leader in possible trouble with the SEC, the GOP (former) House leader under indictment in Texas…at what point, exactly, do we collectively decide this is the dirtiest, crookedest, contemptible administration in history and throw these slimy fuckers out on their fatcat asses?
Honestly, we’d be better off if the country was being run by the Sopranos. At least they’d be competent.
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