Newshog, the best kept secret in the liberal blogosphere, and authored by a lovely Scotsman and friend.
No Blood for Hubris, the name of which alone warrants space on the old blogroll, but trust me, there’s more than just an excellent name there.
Thou Shall Not Suck, for which I am a guest blogger today as part of a series of guests, while its author, Mark, who just had back surgery. (Get well soon, Mark!)
Prairie Angel, because I can’t resist a gal who will title a post Well, Fuck.
Emphasis Added, because Salkowitz has got it going on all over the place.
Days, because I dig Jed’s stuff and the “More” feature.
Dictionopolis in Digitopolis, for muppet blogging, among other things.
As always, leave me pointers to your blog in comments. And if there’s someone I’ve promised to blogroll and haven’t, just remind me again. The noggin isn’t fully functional today, I’m afraid.
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