If you either have delicate sensabilities (in which case, run! run like the wind! this is no place for you!) or can't conceive how a collection of bloggers who are on the brink of madness after the past week need to take a break for some fun, I recommend skipping this post.
In a post a long time ago, I declared myself Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain, which someone (Paul, I think) suggested ought to be put on a t-shirt. The associated comments thread (which now seems to have disappeared for some reason) turned into a rather amusing discussion of many possible t-shirt logos for Shakespeare's Sister haute couture. The suggestions included "Shakespeare's Sister is my hag" and "I'm Shakes Sister's bitch."
One of today's comments thread has yielded "Shakespeare's Sister: Proudly Staffed by Cocksuckers" and "Shakespeare's Sister: Grabbing the Bastards by the Nuts and Not Letting Go Since 2004."
So here's the Question of the Day - what phrase do you think belongs on a Shakespeare's Sister t-shirt?
Be dirty, funny, snarky, serious, whatever. Just have fun.
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