The Golden Age
Shaker Deborah, Deliverer of Delicious Things, just forwarded me this article, which is from a 1955 issue of Housekeeping Monthly. (Click on the picture to enlarge.) The name of the rag alone is priceless, no? Deborah says, "Just think: most of those old white guys running the House and the Senate grew up believing this shit. Come to think of it, this article is as scary as it is funny." So true. I mean, as much as women in the real world ever played this kind of role, it would have been in the most conservative homes. Not just Republican homes, either; my grandmother was an old-school Republican, born and raised in NYC, but she was a working mother and a sophisticated woman and didn't take any shit. These were the moms of the modern-day wingnuts; it's no wonder they want to go back to "the good old days" when women locked themselves in self-imposed servitude to please their men.
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