The Massachusetts Legislature has rejected the proposed state constitutional amendment that would have banned gay marriage but legalized civil unions. Now check this out:
Quote #1: "Gay marriage has begun, and life has not changed for the citizens of the commonwealth, with the exception of those who can now marry,” said state Sen. Brian Lees, a Republican who had been a co-sponsor of the amendment. "This amendment which was an appropriate measure or compromise a year ago, is no longer, I feel, a compromise today."
Quote #2: “The union of two women and two men can never consummate a marriage. It's physically impossible," said state Rep. Phil Travis, a Democrat. "The other 49 states are right and we are wrong."
So, a Republican is being reasonable and acknowledging not only that gay marriage didn’t bring the state to its knees, but also that moving backwards toward civil unions at this point would be unfair to those who are already married. Meanwhile, a Democrat is being a total irrational homobigot dick. Goes to show you, neither party has the market cornered on reason or assholiness.
Congrats, MA queers. The war isn’t over, but you won this battle. Keep on fighting the good fight.
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