In the wake of the disaster known as Brownie, Raw Story reports on a Time exposé of the other incompetent boobs Bush has appointed (or nominated) to head up various departments. Of the three mentioned at Raw Story, one thing I noticed is that all of them are in their 30s. Not to sound like some old granny (because they’re all older than me), but doesn’t that seem a little young to have garnered enough relevant experience to be head of, say, the FDA? These positions are usually filled with someone who has what would be considered closer to a lifetime of experience; something tells me the Bushies are starting to have trouble finding hacks with gravitas and at least some vaguely relevant experience who are willing to associate themselves with a flailing administration. Glug glug glug.
I’d throw you a life jacket, Mr. President, but due to budget cuts, my lifeboat doesn’t have them anymore.
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