Capitol Buzz passes this on from the Wall Street Journal:It’s your lucky day, Joe Nawlins! Now that you’ve survived a hurricane, the possibility of drowning, starvation, thirst, the loss of your entire life, the death of friends and family, and the unimaginable horror of having been stuck in a hellhole for days on end while your government jerked off, you can go to Iraq!
Ten U.S. Army recruiters are offering volunteer help for Katrina vicitms at Houston's Astrodome. But the recruiters, struggling to keep enlistment up during Iraq war, are also available with options for the jobless.
There, it's official: the military is, in fact, workfare. Really really dangerous workfare.
The fucking nerve asking these people to serve their country after their country abandoned them.
Although, by the sounds of what they’re being provided, their choices amount to being a soldier or being a detainee.
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