William Kristol:Printing, folding, tucking in my wallet for future reference.
William Kristol, the conservative publisher of The Weekly Standard, said of Mr. Bush: "I do think people think he could have showed stronger leadership." But Mr. Kristol expressed doubt that the hurricane would have much lasting effect on the president's personal and political fortunes, because "people are capable of saying, 'The president kind of screwed this one up, but I still basically agree with him.'"
Mr. Kristol added, "I think the Clinton administration would have done a better job in handling Hurricane Katrina, but I'm also glad Bush is president and not a Democrat."Just remember this the next time you see Bill Kristol on the street. You're gonna have to tell the police why you beat the shit out of him, and you might be given a medal after this quote.
Kristol is an ASS
Jesse at Pandagon finds the ultimate proof of just how idiotic this plonker can be:
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