My Virgin Eyes!!

Just like Iraq, the Bush Administration was wholly unprepared for the fury of Katrina and its aftermath.

Just like Iraq, the Bush Administration is backed into a corner, as their incompetence and indifference is coming back to slap them in the face.

And just like Iraq, they're planning on hiding it from you.

FEMA Wants No Photos of Dead

NEW ORLEANS — The U.S. agency leading Hurricane Katrina rescue efforts said Tuesday that it does not want the news media to photograph the dead as they are recovered.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, heavily criticized for its slow response to the devastation caused by the hurricane, rejected journalists' requests to accompany rescue boats searching for storm victims.

An agency spokeswoman said space was needed on the rescue boats.

"We have requested that no photographs of the deceased be made by the media," the spokeswoman said in an e-mail.

Because in Bush's America, even when Americans are killed, they're not killed.

Although I'm sure this is all about protecting me from troubling pictures, and has nothing to do with conveying a positive image.

Oh wait, it is.

(Energy Dome tip to Tbogg. Get me to the cross-post on time.)

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