New Katrina Thread

Links, blogwhoring, news, etc. Here’s a couple of quick recommendations…

Pam: No security, no way out, explosions, and a mayor at the end of his rope

The Green Knight: Voices from Katrina’s Wake

And Michael at AMERICAblog reports that the entire administration was (is?) AWOL:
For days AFTER the worst natural disaster in our nation's history:

Bush stayed on vacation. On Monday he went to Arizona to cut a birthday cake with John McCain and play politics on Medicare. On Tuesday -- as the flood waters were rising and the death toll mounted -- Bush played politics again, heading out to California to make a speech offering another excuse for staying the course in Iraq (oil!) and jamming on a guitar. He knew he had to end his vacation early (sigh) but couldn't bring himself to head straight to Washington DC. So Bush went BACK to Crawford for one more cozy night of rest before finally heading back to Washington DC on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Condi Rice is in the midst of a THREE DAY vacation that began AFTER the hurricane struck New Orleans. She's gone to a Broadway show, played tennis with Monica Seles and reportedly bought really expensive Ferragamo shoes.



Bush is relaxing in Crawford, Condi is going to a Broadway show and Dick Cheney is probably fly fishing -- all AFTER the hurricane struck.
Even Rove was down in Crawford for a photo-op with the pro-war protestors. So, who was running the country? Oh, right—I forgot. They’re never really on vacation. Yes they are. No they aren’t. Yes they are—gotta be crisp. No they aren’t—working vacations, yeah yeah.

I have to stop listening to Scott McClellan.

Anyway, Cheney is probably ill, not on vacation.

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