Nice Laaaady

The Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon raised $1 million for hurricane relief that has been given to the Salvation Army's aid efforts, along with a $1 million donation directly from the MDA. And speaking of donations to the MDA:

In addition to the tote board figure, which reflects pledges and donations, a number of MDA sponsors presented checks representing their year-round fund-raising efforts for MDA. Leading this group was the International Association of Fire Fighters with a record contribution of $21 million.

Fire Fighters were also out this weekend in Chicago collecting money to give to hurricane relief. If you see a firefighter, give them a hug... buy them a beer... anything. These days, it seems like they're the only people looking out for our sorry asses.

“I’m overjoyed that we were able to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina and at the same time continue our 40-year tradition of helping ‘my kids,’” Lewis said. “Of course, I’m not surprised. The American people have never let me down.”

Thanks to everyone that donated, and thanks to the Fire Fighters. Of course, you can always give more.

Thank heavens we can count on the generosity of the American People. Because help ain't coming from Dear Leader.

(Rock-A-Bye your cross-post with a Dixie melody...)

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