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Bob Harris has an incredible laundry list post full of links about the Katrina disaster. One I found particularly frightening was the link to this story stating that the toxic water filling the New Orleans area is being pumped right back into the Mississippi.

State and federal agencies have just begun water quality testing but environmental experts say the vile, stagnant chemical soup that sits in the streets of the city known as The Big Easy will contain traces of everything imaginable.

"Go home and identify all the chemicals in your house. It's a very long list," said Ivor van Heerden, head of a Louisiana State University center that studies the public health impacts of hurricanes.

"And that's just in a home. Imagine what's in an industrial plant," he said. "Or a sewage plant."

Not to mention that toxic waste site that's currently underwater.


Bob calls the disaster area "Lake George," (a nickname for the area that's being used in New Orleans right now) and I have to say, that sounds pretty damn appropriate at this point.

(When the going gets tough...the tough get cross-posting)

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