PowerLine may be the dumbest sacks in the history of dumb sackdom. It's not just that they're dumb sacks, it's that they're dumb sacks the threads of whose existence are drawn from high-dumbass worms found in rare and near-impassable mountains, spun by monks of shitheadery trained by years of watching nothing but Power Rangers reruns and old episodes of Hannity and Colmes. It is a rare and rich brand of stupidity that must be both scorned and admired, lest it fall into the annals of history, its true face unrecognized.Sheer brilliance. And his conclusion is just as spot-on. A definite must-read.
PowerLine Smackdown
Jesse rules. Although I can’t decide if it’s more for titling his post taking down the PowerLine spunkstains “Stupid Shits,” so blunt and accurate, yet humorous, or for the introduction to the post:
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