What Will It Take?

Okay, normally I really hate the whole “imagine if Clinton had…” thing, because A) it’s trite; and B) it’s a fruitless endeavor, because the situation is patently different—Clinton was dealing with a GOP-controlled Congress (to his misfortune), and so is Bush (to his fortune). But seriously…at this point, with all due gravity, Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob, and tens of thousands of people have died on Bush’s watch, so what fucking gives? First, during 9/11, after he’d received notices about bin Laden being determined to strike and al Qaida’s intent to use airplanes to do it (and that doesn’t even take into consideration the scores of people who will likely die early because they were told Ground Zero was inhabitable when it was not). Secondly, during the entirety of the Iraq War, in which we’ve lost soldiers and killed countless numbers of Iraqi civilians to whom we are meant to be bringing freedom. And now, during Katrina and the aftermath.

Americans are dead. Lots of them. And I’m only pointing to obvious deaths, not even those caused by poverty, or lack of healthcare coverage, or crime, or methamphetamine use (all of which have increased steadily under Bush), or other more abstract, policy-related deaths. And I’m not pointing to countless deaths in Africa because of AIDS and genocides (to which we have all but turned a blind eye), or in Haiti because of utter social meltdown after the coup to remove Aristide (in which we participated), and any one of a number of other foreign policy issues that have left people dead under Bush’s leadership. Just taking into consideration the obvious, concrete deaths as a result of Bush’s failures to protect Americans, the number is staggering.

And forget the excuse about there being a GOP-controlled Congress at this point. It’s not like they’re ignoring loud and repeated calls for his impeachment from the Dems (nor the American people, though they continue to lower their opinion of him). We’re well aware by now that the Republicans are so thoroughly corrupt that they’re not going to investigate him, no less impeach him, but where are the Dems shoving their faces in every camera and calling for his resignation, his impeachment, something? Just because they don’t have the votes doesn’t mean they can’t call attention to the fact that it needs to be done—put the onus on the miscreants of the GOP who refuse to do the right thing. I’m tired of this bullshit. This guy is ruining the fucking country; Americans are dying on his watch.

This isn’t a bloody election issue! DO SOMETHING NOW. If not now, then when? What the fuck is it going to take?!

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