The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said he urged President George W. Bush today to delay nominating a replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.Here’s the funny thing—I heard Frist quoted this morning saying he had suggested to the president they move forward right away and that the president didn’t say much but that “his body language was encouraging.” Does Bush just not say anything anymore, communicating instead through an elaborate series of smirks, scowls, slouches, and weirdly inappropriate grins left to be interpreted by those with whom he meets? Fucking hell—you’re the president, dude, not a tea leaf.
Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, said he talked to Justice O'Connor about staying on the high court. “She's prepared to do that” through the court's term ending in June, Specter said. The president “was noncommittal,” Specter said. “The body language was not very positive,” Specter said.
Specter said the delay would give Congress and the rest of America more time to know John Roberts as chief justice. “When we know a little more about Judge Roberts it's going to be easier with the next” nomination, Specter said.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee said he urged Bush to submit a name to the Senate promptly. “I feel we should proceed with the nomination as anticipated,” Frist said. If so, the confirmation process could be completed “around Thanksgiving.”
I don’t have high hopes that President Marcel Marceau will do anything but just nominate another radical wingnut with a gavel ASAP, but it would be cool if we could find out just how nutzoid Roberts is before the next one comes along with their canned answers and smug rebuttals.
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