If after reading that headline, you’re thinking, But Shakespeare’s Sister—I don’t even know who Josh Kornbluth is!, then I’ve got two words for you: Haiku Tunnel. Just see it. (Especially—heaven help you—if you’ve ever worked as a temp.)
At the moment, this is really a post just for San Francisco Shakers, who have the opportunity to watch The Josh Kornbluth Show, a half-hour interview show which debuts tonight at 7:30 on KQED-TV, Channel 9, San Francisco's public-television affiliate. However, with any luck, it will also soon be made available by the magic of streaming video for those of us who live in Shitsville (or a nice town that just isn’t San Francisco). You can get more details at Josh’s new blog.
Josh says via email: “I think it's safe to say that I already combine the pixie-ish sparkle of a Katie Couric with the aquiline features of a Charles Kuralt and the professional credibility of a Jeff Gannon.” Now who the fuck could resist that?
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