You Can't Make This Stuff Up, Folks...

So, Bush says there's going to be a full investigation of what went wrong with the response to Katrina.

Uh, not so much. DeLay's got his fingers in the pie again, and it has already been canceled.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House majority leader late Tuesday tried to deflect criticism of the federal response to Hurricane Katrina by saying "the emergency response system was set up to work from the bottom up," then announced a short time later that House hearings examining that response had been canceled.

Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said House Republican leaders instead want a joint House-Senate panel set up to conduct a "congressional review" of the issue.

And a "congressional review" of what, you might ask?

But DeLay countered that assessment later in a news conference by saying that the onus for responding to emergencies fell to local officials.

"It's the local officials trying to handle the problem. When they can't handle the problem, they go to the state, and the state does what they can to, and if they need assistance from FEMA and the federal government they ask for it and it's delivered," DeLay said.

Oh, of course, the local officials.

Just keep working down that ladder until you find a scapegoat, fire him or her, and everything's jake.

Seriously, is there any doubt in anyone's mind anymore that these Republicans are as dirty as Dirt McDirtyson on the fifth day of the mud wallowing festival? Investigations are balked, delayed, canceled, or they refuse to participate. A few "bad apples" take the fall. Isn't it completely obvious at this point that they have plenty to hide? This Administration has been nothing but a big coverup.

And what the fuck is Tom Delay still doing at work, anyway? Shouldn't he be fired by now?

(Energy Dome tip to Oliver. Sowing the seeds of cross-posts...)

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