First of all, I had nothing to do with this—lol!
As most of you know, I lost my job awhile back. When I first told you about this, your generosity was just overwhelming to me and Mr. Shakes. Losing your job rattles you down to the bones, but finding out that lots of people care about you does wonders to see you through. I remain tremendously grateful for the donations, support, suggestions, and other help offered by so many people.
I'm still looking for work, and I haven't said much about how we're doing lately. I haven't thought it all that appropriate to keep up the drumbeat in public about the trials in my own life. As probably expected, I'd rather be snarking and swearing about the dicks in DC than moaning and groaning about my own problems.
A few of you know that Mr. Shakes spends a lot of his time on the internets hanging out at The Dark Wraith Forums and The Dark Wraith Forums Message Board. He and the Dark Wraith have become friends, forging that friendship in the fertile ground of bawdy jokes and serious conversations—the beginnings of a lasting friendship, even if they never see each other in person. It's one of those things where someone knows you're still in some deep shit, even when you're not saying much about it.
In a wholly misguided effort to help out your host and Mr. Shakes, the Dark Wraith has launched a deeply troubling (but highly amusing) fundraiser on our behalf. It's called The Dark Wraith He-Stuff Challenge. I found out only Friday that something was going on behind my back when the Wraith wandered over here and posted some hints on the comments section of this post, suggesting that I find out more from Mr. Shakes, who stubbornly played it coy.
I'm just now finding out what, exactly, is going down, and these are my marching orders: I'm supposed to be the one who keeps track of donations to a fundraiser where people tell me in which blogger's name they have donated. Meanwhile, the Dark Wraith is going around to select male bloggers' sites, where he is "slap-slapping" each of these "he-bloggers" with the following Challenge: get people to donate a combined total of $50 to Shakespeare's Sister in your name. If you do, you must post an unretouched picture of your own he-boobs on your blog as a reward. (Yep, that’s what donations are buying—snaps of sexy he-boobs!) Tomorrow night, the Dark Wraith will be posting on his blog a complete list of all the guys who've accepted this Challenge. That means prospective donors will have a one-stop shop to see who's signed on to this very strange fundraiser. (Although, I can give you one sneak-peek—Mr. Shakes is a not only an architect of this lunacy, but also a participant, and will be running his portion of the Challenge here.)
The Wraith says the clock begins at midnight tonight; for the rest of the details, check out his post (linked above). When people donate, they're supposed to send me an e-mail telling me in what he-blogger's name the donation is to be marked. A week from now, I'll announce those man-bloggers who surpassed the goal (and I won't mention those who didn't). The "winning" he-bloggers will then have 24 hours to post their stuff on their respective blogs.
I guess the only thing left for me to do now is sit back while Operation Mayhem unfolds, and wait for my chance to see some titties! Let the insanity begin…
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