
A new study has found that 90% of men and 70% of women in America will become overweight by the end of their lives.

Once again, I’m a trend-setter!

On a side note: Yet another annoying article that completely ignores the possibility that one can be fat and healthy. Yes—it is possible; see LeMew here and Ampersand here. Weight and health are not inextricably linked; what matters is one’s underlying healthfulness, and there are plenty of overweight people whose blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, joints, hearts, etc. are just fine, in spite of what we’re meant to believe. I’m a total chubster, and yet I've hiked 20 miles in a day with no problems (and, frustratingly, without losing a bloody pound!). Read this Scientific American article for information on how the obesity hysteria has been overblown. We don’t need to hate fat; we just need to love health.

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