I enjoy reading many blogs each day. If I could get past the filthy language you use in your posts, I might find that you actually have something interesting to say. The foul language only detracts from the content of your posts. Why do you feel that it's necessary to be a garbage mouth? You're certainly no lady. You come off as a tough, young broad. Maybe you're proud of that. I don't know. It's obvious that your readers are the same type of people, judging from their comments. Who in their right mind uses words like "cocksucker" and “cunt" in conversation? Nobody I care to associate with.Dear Correspondent,
Most of the other bloggers in your blogging circle manage to get across their ideas in a respectable manner. If you were my daughter, I'd have washed your mouth out with soap many years ago.
Clean up your act Sister.
When the Bush administration stops being totally obscene, so will I. For further information, please see the last two paragraphs of this post.
Best regards,
Shakespeare’s Sister
P.S. I love the taste of soap.
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