News from Shakes Manor

Wednesday night, while watching the Astros-Cards game…

Shakes: Such a weird way to pronounce that name—Ohs-walt.

Mr. Shakes: Aye.

Shakes: We should start telling people our name is pronounced McEee-wan.

Mr. Shakes: I’m shoore there are people who proonoonce it McEee-wan.

Shakes: No there aren’t.

Mr. Shakes: Yes, there are.

Shakes: Not.

Mr. Shakes: Are.

Shakes: Not.

Mr. Shakes: Are.

Shakes: Not.

Mr. Shakes: We coold be trendsetters, and demand that we be called the McEee-wans, and then there woold be.

Shakes: But if we’d be trendsetters, then you’re admitting there are no people who currently call themselves McEee-wan.

Mr. Shakes: Ooh, you’ve goot me! Coongratoolatoons! You’ve woon the Great McEee-wan Debate of 2005. Lincooln and Dooglas woold be soo prood!

In the ensuing tussle, I’m certain there was reference made to my doominant noostril.

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