Okay, I just watched most of Fitzy’s press conference (couldn’t liveblog it, because my TV’s upstairs and my computer’s downstairs). Here are my two big impressions:
1. Anyone who thinks they have the inside track on whether this thing is over or just getting started is nuts. Fitzy says mostly over, but at the same time, Official A remains unnamed. We may not know for awhile whether these are the only indictments or not. “Mostly over” in the context of 24 solid months of investigations may or may not be very different than “mostly over” in the context of “We want answers yesterday!”
2. Fitzy fucking rules. He made it perfectly clear that these charges are extremely serious. When some clever reporter asked him about the GOP talking points about these being “technical” charges, he came out swinging: “I’ll be blunt—that talking point won’t fly… The truth is the engine of our justice system… It is a very, very serious matter that no one should take lightly… These charges vindicate a serious breach of the public trust.”
Suck it, spinners.
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