Rove on His Knees

Don’t let that horrific image dissuade you from reading the rest of this post, please. It’s not what you think…

Turd Blossom has asked prosecutors in the Plame case for the opportunity to give “11th-hour” testimony in the case, and has been granted his wish. Here’s the good stuff:

Federal prosecutors…have warned they cannot guarantee he won't be indicted, according to people directly familiar with the investigation.


Rove has already made at least three grand jury appearances and his return at this late stage in the investigation is unusual.

The prosecutor did not give Rove similar warnings before his earlier grand jury appearances.


Before accepting the offer, Fitzgerald sent correspondence to Rove's legal team making clear that there was no guarantee he wouldn't be indicted at a later point as required by the rules.
Oh, snap! Please let this mean that Rove is going down like a Bangkok whore will bills to pay!

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