(She’s been reminding me of someone, and I couldn’t figure out who until awhile ago. Then I realized it was the esteemed Salacious B. Crumb, which seems even more fitting, considering he could probably be aptly described as the "work-wife" of a hideous dictator, too.)
Separated at Birth?
You decide.
(She’s been reminding me of someone, and I couldn’t figure out who until awhile ago. Then I realized it was the esteemed Salacious B. Crumb, which seems even more fitting, considering he could probably be aptly described as the "work-wife" of a hideous dictator, too.)
(She’s been reminding me of someone, and I couldn’t figure out who until awhile ago. Then I realized it was the esteemed Salacious B. Crumb, which seems even more fitting, considering he could probably be aptly described as the "work-wife" of a hideous dictator, too.)
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