
These are my choices?

If the 2008 presidential election were held today, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) would snuff Senator John Kerry (D-MA) 53% to 35%, and sneak ahead of Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) 44% to 42%, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Friday…

At this point in the game, Clinton crushes all other Democratic hopefuls. The erstwhile First Lady pulls 41% among Democrats to 14% for Edwards; Kerry draws 10%, Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) 5% and Wesley Clark 4%. Mavericks Giuliani and McCain lead Republican field with 34% and 31%, respectively, while Senator Bill Frist (R-TN), Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) and Senator George Allen (R-VA) draw 5% or lesss.
A lot can change in three years. Let’s hope a lot does.

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