But... but... but... CLINTON!!

I'm buying stock in Pepto Bismol. Scotty's going to make me a rich man all on his own.

Did you see this coming? I didn't see this coming. No, really, I never thought they'd do this. Really.

White House Ducks Prewar Intel Questions
(bolds mine)

WASHINGTON - The White House sought to deflect politically charged questions Wednesday about President Bush's use of prewar intelligence in Iraq, saying Democrats, too, had concluded Saddam Hussein was a threat.

"If Democrats want to talk about the threat that Saddam Hussein posed and the intelligence, they might want to start with looking at the previous administration and their own statements that they've made," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

He said the Clinton administration and fellow Democrats "used the intelligence to come to the same conclusion that Saddam Hussein and his regime were a threat."

Which is, of course, the evidence they used to get us into the Iraq war. Clinton's intelligence. Don't you remember? All that yellowcake stuff never happened.

It's Clinton's fault.

It was always Clinton's fault.

Everything is Clinton's fault.

Now watch this drive.

(Will it ever cross-post? Yo, I don't know.)

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