Progressive candidates are winning across the country. Reactionary initiatives are losing in Colo., Ohio and Calif. Progressive candidates are winning at the local level in Colo., Wash. and Ariz. The right-wing says this success for progressives is due to local circumstances. Republicans might just want to listen to the message voters are sending them. Americans have suffered a stunning reversal of fortune. The corrupt politics that got us into this fix are not likely to get us out. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution. For American families, right-wing policies simply makes things worse. It is hard to recall a party that is more corrupt or more out of tune with the needs of the time.Right on. Good news.
UPDATE: Meanwhile, the ever-vigilant BradBlog tracks voting irregularities in California, Virginia, Ohio, and more Ohio, plus has a round-up of reported problems elsewhere here.
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