Just watching Fox for a few minutes as part of my daily morning masochism, and the idiot spinmeister they had on to talk about the election results (“Republican Bloomberg crushes Dem opponent in NY!”) dismissed the two Democratic gubernatorial wins by saying they were no big deal, since incumbents won.
Problem is, neither of them were incumbents.
Fortunately, there was a token Dem guest who cleared up that mistake, since the host couldn’t be bothered (and/or didn’t know the facts).
Note to Dems today: When you’re asked about Bloomberg’s big win, instead of robotically parroting what seems to be the standard line—“New York City seems to be above partisan politics”—how about pointing out that Bloomberg is unusual among his party, in that he is both pro-choice and pro-gay rights? Take a little wind out of the conservative sails when given the chance!
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