Fitzy Still in Pursuit of Rove

According to the ubiquitous “attorneys close to the case,” Patrick Fitzgerald is still trying to determine whether Turd Blossom lied to the FBI about his role in outing Valerie Plame.

All I want to know at this point is why Fitzy hasn’t slung his fat ass to a chunk of oak and started waterboarding him. If Bush and Cheney think that’s an appropriate interrogation technique for accused criminals in other countries, why shouldn’t Fitzy be allowed to use it here and save us all the time and cost of all his namby-pamby grand jury malarkey?

Why, just today, Bush was asked about whether interrogators should be allowed to use torture:

"Our country is at war, and our government has the obligation to protect the American people," Bush said emphatically…

"Anything we do… to that end in this effort, any activity we conduct, is within the law," he said. "We do not torture."
Okay, cool. So whatever we do to detainees is fair game for extracting information from anyone who is alleged to have compromised national security, right?

Bring on the dogs!

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