From an earlier IM conversation with Mr. Furious:
Shakes: Tell me how dire our media is when this is a news story.
Mr. Furious: Gimme a break! Who gives a fuck?
Shakes: Do you like their list of “cool” phrases?
Mr. Furious: That’s like on Yahoo, you’ll see stuff like "Terrorist Escapes" … "Another Hurricane?" … "Cheney Murders Puppies" — and then ... "Tom Cruise Excited About Pregnancy."
Shakes: So annoying.
Mr. Furious: “Angelina Jolie adopts new baby" ... "Armageddon near?"
Shakes: "Colin Farrell has sex!" "Russell Crowe throws things!"
Mr. Furious: "Is global warming bad? Take our poll."
Shakes: “Did dinosaurs go to church? Some scientists say yes; others disagree."
Mr. Furious: "Jesus invented Post-Its, intelligent design experts say."
Shakes: "GOP proposes amendment declaring earth flat. Dems divided."
Mr. Furious: “Terry Schiavo's parents claim to hear her move - file one last appeal"
Shakes: "Oprah gives audience members free brain transplants." ... "Oprah's ratings plummet."
Mr. Furious: "Woman sees Jesus in her diaphragm - makes $100,000 on eBay."
Shakes: "Columbian druglords drop freshly rehabbed Kate Moss from advertising campaign."
Shakes: "Bush administration captures al-Qaida second in command for 97th time."
Mr. Furious: “Second in command escapes for the 96th time."
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