
I don’t like Maureen Dowd. And it’s not for any of the reasons one usually hears from people who don’t like her, which usually have something to do with her either being too feminist or not feminist enough, or too feminine or not feminine enough, or something else that vaguely or overtly stinks of sexism. The reason I don’t like Maureen Dowd is because the same pithy snark she now directs at Bush to liberal applause, she used in 2000 to help elect him.

LeMew (with help from Bob Somerby) has got a great post on this very topic, which I highly recommend, especially if you, like me, have lines like “Does he think, going into 2000, that this will give him a romantic glow, or a romantic afterglow? It reminds me of Jackie Kennedy whispering in Teddy White’s ear about ‘Camelot’” seared into your brain for all eternity, rising to the surface every so often and piquing a furious frustration as you contemplate how different things could have been…

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