Chants went up of "Arnold, go home" as soon as he stepped from his vehicle.
The size and demeanor of the crowd caught law enforcement by surprise.
Schwarzenegger's last public visit to the area was June 17, 2004, before about 3,000 mostly admiring or just plain curious constituents at the Chico Mall.
"What a difference between that crowd and this," Barrow remarked.
He said the mall visit was much more controlled and police got a lot of advance warning.
Although there were minor disagreements between officers and protesters, no arrests were necessary.
As he left the restaurant and headed for his black Ford Excursion about 20 feet away, the governor was showered with small ice cubes an unidentified protester threw from a cup.
Dat’s naht fahnny!
(Hat tip to Blogenfreude for sending the article.)
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