JAMES CAAN as I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
LOUISE LASSER as Judith Miller
PAUL GIAMATTI as Matt Cooper
MATTHEW BRODERICK as Patrick Fitzgerald
ALBERT FINNEY as Joseph Wilson
RANDY QUAID as Tim Russert
DON S. DAVIS as Dick Cheney
LORNE GREENE as Robert Novak
LISA KUDROW as Valerie Plame
Heh heh. Pretty good, no? Personally, I would have gone with Ed Harris for Scooter, but no matter. The choice of Paul Giamatti as Matt Cooper is inspired.
Anyhow, we won’t do the whole list in one go, because that would just get chaotic, so today’s question will be limited to two, one of whom wasn’t on MB’s list. Who would you cast as George Bush and Dick Cheney?
I think I’d go with Bubbles and Lisa Marie Presley.
If they’re not available, Nick Nolte and Richard Dreyfuss.
(Before you tell me I’m wrong about Nolte, just check out that picture! Plus, he’s already done a lot of the requisite research.)
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