Which actor or actress did you thoroughly (and perhaps unaccountably) dislike until you saw them in a movie you liked, and which movie was it?
My mom infamously loathed Nicholas Cage for years after seeing him in Moonstruck. It was only after forcing her to watch Guarding Tess that she finally came around and now likes him—although she still hates him in Moonstruck.
This has happened to me on a number of occasions, but two in particular really stand out. I was hugely unimpressed with Colin Farrell through no fault of his own, before I’d ever seen him in anything, simply because of the massive media hype surrounding his every move a few years ago—too overexposed. Then I saw him in Tigerland, and I had to admit he was a damn fine actor. Then I saw A Home at the End of the World, and I fell in love—a love so strong that even Alexander did not mean its undoing.
The other one was Matt Damon, who I liked in Good Will Hunting, and then started to dislike for some reason I can’t quite explain, although it partly had to do with how irrationally agitated I was by his perfect, gleaming white teeth in the middle of war in the fairly dreadful Saving Private Ryan. For years, I couldn’t stand him, and even avoided movies I now adore, like The Talented Mr. Ripley and Rounders, because he was in them. Then I saw The Bourne Identity, and suddenly I liked him again, probably more than before. Curious, that.
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