Inspired by The Chemist’s missive On Swearing. Of course, most of you already know my opinion on that topic, but for anyone who’s new to this juke joint, I’ll reprise the tune:
On a related note, fearing that we face a whole new level of bullshit about which we will, and should, be visibly angry, and preparing myself thusly, comments and emails composed specifically to tell me to stop using bad language or to start being less aggressive, less hostile, less antagonistic, less bitchy, less arrogant, less belligerent, less vitriolic, less nasty, less acerbic, or less of a poopyhead, are as welcome as any other, but I feel obligated to inform all potential authors of such missives that they are, however, a waste of time.Anyhoo…the question is: What’s your favorite swear word?
If I get my facts wrong, let me know. If you don’t like my tone, tough. At this bus stop in the blogosphere, I’m Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain, and I’m mean for a reason. Once we get our country back on the right track, there will plenty of time for nursery rhymes.
It’s hard for me to choose just one. If pressed, I’d probably have to go with fuck, because it’s so versatile. I don’t think anything is more amusing, however, than when Mr. Shakes describes something as “fooking doogshite.”
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