
Seriously, how much do some dudes hate condoms?

Men in Serbia are lining up to have electric shocks delivered to their testicles as part of a new contraceptive treatment.

Serbian fertility expert Dr Sava Bojovic, who runs one of the clinics offering the service, said the small electric shock makes men temporarily infertile by stunning their sperm into a state of immobility.

He said: "We attach electrodes to either side of the testicles and send low electricity currents flowing through them.

"This stuns the sperm, effectively putting them to sleep for up to 10 days, which means couples can have sex without fear of getting pregnant.

"The method does not kill the sperm permanently and it does not affect the patient's health."

Dr Bojovic added patients were now lining up at his fertility clinic in Novi Banovci for the shock treatment, as it had none of the problems attached to using condoms, the male pill or having a vasectomy.
I think if you’re having problems with condoms so severe that you’re willing to get a lightning bolt to the gonads to avoid them, you just might be doing something wrong with the johnnies. They’re generally not that problematic.

But here’s some good news:

He added: "We are hoping to have a small battery powered version on sale in the shops in time for Xmas."
Fantastic! Merry Christmas, darling; now drop your pants and bite down on this leather strap—it’s time for the old zap-zap. Ride the lightning!!! Once your balls cool off, we’ll rut like pigs.

In all seriousness, I’m not a fan of anything that could even inadvertently discourage safe sex. Men don’t really need one more excuse for not wearing condoms (nor women/men one more excuse for not requiring their partners wear them) in this day and age.

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